***Take note people – due to a booboo on behalf of the ARC provider, who shall remain nameless due to their usual awesomeness, the review for The Herald of Autumn is actually based on The Harrowing of Twilight and vice versa. Rather than rewrite both reviews (due to laziness), please consider that when reading criticisms. Both books are well worth reading.*** I […]
Review – The Herald of Autumn by JM Guillen
***Take note people – due to a booboo on behalf of the ARC provider, who shall remain nameless due to their usual awesomeness, the review for The Herald of Autumn is actually based on The Harrowing of Twilight and vice versa. Rather than rewrite both reviews (due to laziness), please consider that when reading criticisms. Both books are well worth reading.*** Tommy […]
Review – Son of Zeus by Glyn Iliffe
I’ve been a big fan of mythology my whole reading life. Didn’t matter what culture it came from, it was all good. This year, I’ve got to read some versions of my old favourites like the Norse Eschaton Cycle and Robin Hood, except they’ve had a dark twist that the legends deserve. Now, it’s the turn of Heracles (that’s right, […]
Review – Wolf’s Head by Steven McKay
I’m on a mythology/historical fiction run at the moment, and seriously, who doesn’t love Robin Hood? Remember all those movies over the years giving different portrayals of the lovable rogue? This one is different. Quite different. This one goes mostly for historical accuracy, hence it’s dark. But don’t let that put you off. We start with a young Robin (17 […]