Welcome to Night Vale by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor

Welcome to Night Vale by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor

I seem to make a lot of crass confessions on here, so why stop now? For someone who listens to a lot of audiobooks (or maybe because), I hardly ever listen to podcasts. When I saw this book on the shelves at my library, I knew nothing about it, only finding out about the podcast by reading the blurb on […]

Demon King by Erik Henry Vick

Demon King by Erik Henry Vick

Erik Henry Vick has been around for a while and is well-known in independent dark fantasy circles. The Demon King isn’t his first book, but the first of his I have read (listened to). What we have here is a story about a small town where evil entities are taking children. The book has two distinct timelines where the children […]

We Men of Ash and Shadow by HL Tinsley

We Men of Ash and Shadow by HL Tinsley

This is my third review for Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week, and this time around I’m introducing a debut author – I got this ARC from Booksprout, essentially Netgalley for self-published authors. I don’t use them often, but I have found some gems there – like this book. This is the first book by the author, HL Tinsley, who has done […]

Ascendant by Michael R Miller

Ascendant by Michael R Miller

Post #2 of Self-Published Author Appreciation Week belongs to Michael R Miller and his book Ascendant. I’ve been reading self-published books for maybe five years, and I feel like MRM has been around forever. This isn’t the first book of his that I have read (some may argue otherwise), but he kindly gave me an audio copy of his Dragon’s […]

God of Broken Things by Cameron Johnston

God of Broken Things by Cameron Johnston

I reviewed the excellent The Traitor God back in 2020, so, based on my current rate of reviewing, I probably read it in 1920. However, despite reading the book in the previous millennium, I remember it well as it was great. The God of Broken Things, the sequel and seemingly final book in the series, is even better. In TTG, […]

Wrath of N’Kai by Josh Reynolds

Wrath of N’Kai by Josh Reynolds

One of my last ARCs from Netgalley, for reasons only beknownst to me. As per usual, all opinions are my own, although I can’t guarantee that since my recent COVID vaccination. Anyway… Who doesn’t love a bit of Lovecraftian writing? Yeah, well what would you know? I digress. This is a new entry into the Arkham Horror series by the […]

Recall Night by Alan Baxter

Recall Night by Alan Baxter

I’ve gotten into Alan Baxter’s work over the last couple of years, and have enjoyed the hell out of it, comparing him at one stage as a successor to some guy named Clive Barker. He writes in the same vein – (relatively) everyday folk caught in bizarre situations. I read the first book in the series – Manifest Recall (review […]