I read and reviewed Shadow of the Exile a while back, and really enjoyed it, giving it a strong 4.5 out of stars. It’s rapid pace, engaging plot and likeable hero in Tarrick ensured I’d be checking out part two when it came out. Of course, then the problem becomes, can the author maintain his standards? Well, in short – […]
Review – For the Killing of Kings by Howard Andrew Jones
So, lately I’ve been trying to be choosier with my Netgalley choices. Over the next couple of months I’ve signed up for way more books than I had planned, and then there’s also a couple of authors whose work I genuinely like and read ARCs for. Then there’s my TBR. Anyway, I read a couple of previous Netgalley efforts that […]
Review – Bloody Rose by Nicholas Eames
Remember Kings of the Wyld? What a blast that was. Laugh-out-loud funny, some epic fight scenes and what amounted to a trip down memory lane for many of us. If you’re expecting, or demanding, more of the same with Bloody Rose, you could end up disappointed. Sure, it’s set in the same world, bringing back a lot of the same […]
Review – Wrath of Dragons by Scott King
After reading a couple of powerhouses in Grim Solace and The Gutter Prayer, Scott King’s Wrath of Dragons was definitely a change of pace. While the previous two were dark and brooding (and funny), this epic fantasy is light and, well, funny. The story tells of a young magician, Carter, who decides to solve dragon attacks on his own, leaving […]
Review – Grim Solace by Ben Galley
Chasing Graves was one of my favourite books of 2018, so there’s always an air of trepidation regarding whether the follow-up can maintain the quality, especially when it’s the midpoint of a trilogy. Well, never fear. Not only does the author keep up the pace, but he ups the ante, setting up a potentially blockbuster end to the series. Caltro, […]
Review – Athena’s Champion by David Hair and Cath Mayo
Continuing on my historical fantasy kick, on the heels of Son of Zeus I now have fellow god-titled novel Athena’s Champion. After professing my love for Heracles in the earlier review, this follows the early exploits of another favourite, Odysseus. For those who’ve read the Iliad and the Odyssey, or those who haven’t, some scholars believe the two stories to […]
Review – Winds of War by Rhett C Bruno
Before I ramble on, let me just add that is a joint effort between (mostly) sci-fi author Rhett Bruno and Jaime Castle, who writes (mostly) fantasy. I’m not always sure of the dynamics of two authors creating a joint effort, but our intrepid duo seem to have this one under control. I read Web of Eyes, the first part of the Buried […]
Review – We Ride The Storm by Devin Madson
I picked this one up ages ago, and it’s been languishing on my TBR ever since. Then a few days ago I heard it was a semi-finalist for the Self Published Fantasy Blog Off, which is run by the venerable Mark Lawrence and has churned out some gems over it’s short life. Having read this, I can see this being […]
Review – Shield of Winter by Aaron Hodges
**AUDIOBOOK AND MINOR SPOILER WARNING** I was only commenting recently on how tough it can be the middle book in a trilogy. THIS is the middle book in a trilogy (Legend of the Gods), and the author pretty much nails it. Alana has been taken by Quinn to the Tsar’s palace, much to her surprise, and there are more surprises […]
Review – The Fires of Muspelheim by Matt Larkin
It’s over. Nine glorious books (ten if you include Darkness Forged) and Ragnarok is here. This has been one of the finest series I’ve ever read, independent or otherwise, and it’s been a pleasure to be on board as a beta reader for the last half of it. All the characters are back, and the stories are brought to their […]