Blog Tour – The Heart of Stone by Ben Galley

Blog Tour – The Heart of Stone by Ben Galley

After reviewing The Written last week, this is my second offering in my part of Ben Galley’s blog tour in which a number of bloggers review the various works of one of indie fantasy’s finest writers. This time around, I review “The Heart of Stone”. Here goes:   Task is a golem, the last golem. A creature created by magic […]

Review – The Left Hand of God by Paul Hoffman

Review – The Left Hand of God by Paul Hoffman

 Cale is an acolyte of the Hanged Redeemers, a church of warrior monks tasked with restoring their faith to the world. They are however at war with the Antagonists, whose aim is to corrupt the earth with their foul ways. But there is more to Cale than meets the eye, and when he escapes their monastery, the Redeemers must track […]

Review – The Girl Who Could Move Sh*t With Her Mind by Jackson Ford

Review – The Girl Who Could Move Sh*t With Her Mind by Jackson Ford

What a title. I mean, who would not want to read a book with a title like that? The story sounds good. Teagan has psychokinesis, meaning she can indeed move shit with her mind. Working as an “operative” for the US government, Teagan and her equally sketchy team take on jobs that require a particular skill set – Teagan’s skill […]

Review – His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik

Review – His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik

So I’ve had this on my TBR for quite some time, but picked up the audiobook from my local library. The story is basically the Napoleonic Wars with the fun addition of dragons (which make everything better). A ship’s captain, Will Laurence, captures a French ship,and on board is a dragon egg. When the egg hatches and the dragon bonds […]

Review – The Resurrectionists by Michael Patrick Hicks

Review – The Resurrectionists by Michael Patrick Hicks

I nabbed this one on Netgalley ages ago, and completely forgot what it was about, so I was essentially reading it blind. Which may have actually played in its favour. The story revolves around bodies being dug up in Manhattan, and people suspect doctors, who are looking for cadavers to advance their medical knowledge, are behind it. One man, an […]