God of Broken Things by Cameron Johnston

God of Broken Things by Cameron Johnston

I reviewed the excellent The Traitor God back in 2020, so, based on my current rate of reviewing, I probably read it in 1920. However, despite reading the book in the previous millennium, I remember it well as it was great. The God of Broken Things, the sequel and seemingly final book in the series, is even better. In TTG, […]

Wrath of N’Kai by Josh Reynolds

Wrath of N’Kai by Josh Reynolds

One of my last ARCs from Netgalley, for reasons only beknownst to me. As per usual, all opinions are my own, although I can’t guarantee that since my recent COVID vaccination. Anyway… Who doesn’t love a bit of Lovecraftian writing? Yeah, well what would you know? I digress. This is a new entry into the Arkham Horror series by the […]

Wolf of the Plains by Conn Iggulden

Wolf of the Plains by Conn Iggulden

Before we begin, I would like to confess that I am an unabashed Conn Iggulden fan, having read many of his books and enjoyed each of them immensely. One of my favourite series was his Emperor books in which he breathed life into the well known historical facts about one Julius Caesar Esquire. This can be a tricky thing to […]

Recall Night by Alan Baxter

Recall Night by Alan Baxter

I’ve gotten into Alan Baxter’s work over the last couple of years, and have enjoyed the hell out of it, comparing him at one stage as a successor to some guy named Clive Barker. He writes in the same vein – (relatively) everyday folk caught in bizarre situations. I read the first book in the series – Manifest Recall (review […]

Write Like Hell 3 – Kaiju (an anthology)

Write Like Hell 3 – Kaiju (an anthology)

STILL ON AUGUST REVIEWS!! This is the first in this series that I have read, and I must say it was a fun experience. Thanks to the publishers for both adding to my must-read list, and providing me with some quality entertainment. Be warned though, not all stories in anthologies are created equal, and personal tastes can play a big […]

Cast in Sand by Dustin Porta

Cast in Sand by Dustin Porta

The author kindly gave me a copy of Cast in Sand and Whalemoon (which I reviewed here) on audio. I’ll talk a little about both here.  I like to try out new (for me) authors, including self-published ones. Many I’ve already heard of through social media, but Dustin Porta I just found through Audiobook.boom. It turned out to be a […]