Chains of Blood by ML Spencer

Chains of Blood by ML Spencer

I received a free copy from the author in return for an honest review. This in no way impacts my opinions.

We return to the fantastic world of the Rhenwars Saga, except in the not-so distant future. The Well of Tears is no more, as are Darien Lauchlin and Kyel Archer – one died a hero, the other a demon. But new threats face the land, as a massive army appears virtually out of nowhere. Who are they and what is their purpose? Can the people overcome their mutual distrust to join forces and face the day? 

Step forward Gil Archer, son of a legend and one of the most powerful battle mages in the Lyceum. He is sent on a mission to recover a soldier who fell foul of a demonic attack, but ends up on a far more dangerous path. Can he overcome his hatred of the Malikari and live up to his heritage?

Rylan Marshall, a farmer-turned-soldier who returns from the front to find his son dead and his daughter taken, is cursed by a strange force. He discovers he is really the son of a certain demon,and everybody seems to want a piece of him for their own means. All he wants to do is rescue his daugher and return to his old life, but what does the future hold?  


This is Rhen 2.0 – instead of just resting on her laurels, the author has added depth to her world, both expanding the borders and travelling into the past. There are the usual wars, but she adds a number of new races, including three that play a major role in the story. Of particular interest are the Turah Khar and their chained mages, which evokes memories of the Seanchan in the Wheel of Time series, but are cooler. We visit a devastated (by war, of course) land, and find out the Lyceum has a lot more to it than meets the eye. Oh, and did I mention there was an epic battle that spans half the book? This is ML Spencer territory afterall.   

Score – 4.5/5


The main characters are obviously Gil and Rylan, both of whom have their own struggles. Gil hates both the Malikari and Darien Lauchlin, his father’s mortal enemy. When he has to mentor Arasha (one of said Malikari) and travel to rescue Rylan, the son of Darien, this in no doubt creates a lot of conflict, and Gil struggles with this throughout. Then of course war comes, and he is charged with leading the battle mages, a task he doesn’t believe he has the qualifications for. Rylan has his own problems. He shares Gil’s racial hatred, and that of Darien, so he has his own problems when he discovers who his father is. He also wants to rescue his daughter, but feels held back by those who want to protect him. Finally, who is Xiani, his captor, and what does she really want with him? Some of the other characters on the periphery are well drawn and interesting, and we have the usual throwaway “extras.” For the most part though, this is a solid cast.  

Score – 4.5/5



The plot is great, with many twists and turns, red herrings and moments you didn’t see coming. Of course, there are some “totally knew that was going to happen” moments too, but that’s all part of the fun. The author keeps much of the plot hidden away behind the action, but also leaves some tasters for the next book, such as who is the demon creature.  I wasn’t overly happy with the ending, but not overly disappointed either. Still, an enjoyable experience that leaves a hankering for the sequel. 

Score – 4.5/5


The author has developed a formula. She is a science teacher, so that makes sense, but you can definitely see it throughout the book. Starting with being at loggerheads, there’s the usual “will they-won’t they” between each man-woman combo, but also (more enticingly) there’s the “will it end well,” another staple, which keeps you on your toes for any signs of peril. The dialogue is crisp, the battle scenes are bloody and epic, and descriptions are strong. Also, not a typo to be seen.

Score – 4/5

Personal Enjoyment

Grim and dark, bloody battles and compelling characters, wrapped up in a slowly unveiled plot. I was sad to finish it.

Score – 5/5


When is the next book coming out?

Total Score – 22.5/25


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