“Al Wrote a Book” But Will He Write More?

So some of you may be wandering if I’m ever going to write another book. The answer is, well, I’m currently writing several. I know there was a lot of talk from me about releasing something last year, but for no real good reason, it never happened. So, you ask, what the heck have you been doing? Well, lots of things. Here’s a rundown:

  • Reading: Since my son Eoin is now in kindergarten, I now have time to sit down and read, and I’m reading a lot. If you follow me on social media, you probably know that. I might start posting reviews here. I’ve been listening to audiobooks too. Any excuse for a read/listen. Currently reading I Was a Teenage Weredeer (seriously) by CT Phipps. A fun urban fantasy, if that’s your thing
  • Celluloid: Since reacquainting myself with the reading, I’ve cut down on my TV/movie watching, particularly movies. Currently watching The Rain on Netflix. It’s a Scandinavian post-apocalyptic story. Not sure if I’m sold yet
  • Walking: Yep, walking. I’ve committed to walking at least 5 miles (8 km) a day. I lost 60 lbs over the last couple of years. No point in putting it back on
  • Writing: Oh yeah, nearly forgot about that. Currently in the works are a bunch of novels in varying stages of development (nothing near completion though). My folk horror short stories are closer to the end than the beginning, but not quite there yet. I also wrote a short story, a psychological thriller that I really like. I’ve put it aside for a bit, but I’m going to have a look at it again and see if I want to publish it or give it out for free. Watch this space.

And that’s about it. Life is pretty good. Enjoying the good life a little too much after being a stay-at-home dad for the last eight years or so.

Keep watching the skis
